Change your brain chemistry!

Can you really help yourself and others think more positively?

Yes you can! 🙌🏼

I had a superb time at the The Master Inn Holders annual conference at the a fabulous Park Lane hotel in London, where I spoke about how to boost happy hormones. And then we did it! 🧠

How is this possible in the space of just 45 minutes - the time I had on stage?

Well…changing your brain chemistry takes no time at all. If done well, it’s instant. Got to be worth a try, right?

The audience was superb, which always helps. Up for giving some techniques a go with me and keen to improve their happiness levels in that very moment. We started by learning a little bit of neuroscience and what the brain is doing day to day. Then how we can influence our thinking and fire those positive synapses to send happy messages more rapidly, to counteract that ever-strong negativity bias.

We completed happy brain activities and made plans to improve mindset and wellbeing for ourselves and others. And it worked. In an instant! Not only were the crowd up dancing and having a great time, the smiles and laughter echoed through the room of 500 strong. And strong it was - so very powerful to see people in a state of the happies.

Easy peasy… if you put your brilliantly clever and adaptable mind to it.

Tell me, what is more important than that? 😎

To learn more about neuroscience, happy hormones and fun activities you can start using with your team and organisation today, get in touch or if you’d like to see more, have a look here. Bring on the happies! You’re more in control of them than you think.

#mindset #happiness #wellbeing #wellness #leaders


Must we always live in the moment?


Pyramid happiness