Leadership & People Programmes

Our global initiatives have outstanding outcomes and feedback, with all round 5-star reviews ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Happy people create the best cultures and deliver better outcomes for business. Putting people first is also the right thing to do.  

Our most popular programmes

Healthy Performance

For individuals and teams.

Session 1 - Positive Mindset 

Understanding the factors that make up resilience and how to boost your personal levels. 

Session 2 - Being your Best  

Exploring character traits and values as natural human strengths.  

Session 3 - Connections  

Investigating the importance of effective relationships with others and ourselves.

Session 4 - Positive Emotions 

Learning the science behind happy hormones generated by positive actions and emotions. 

Session 5 - Authentic Happiness  

Bringing it all together to heighten creativity and motivation as drivers for success. 

Positive Leadership

For leaders and executives.

Session 1 - Great leaders

Learning from traditional and modern leadership models, influencers and aligning with values.

Session 2 - Resilience & positivity

Revealing key factors of resilience, growth mindset and positivity bias as a leadership toolkit.

Session 3 - Humanising the workplace

Working with difference, diversity, styles and preferences. Work life balance vs blend.

Session 4 - Psychological safety

Cultivating a culture of openness and trust and understanding your role in wellness.

Session 5 - Authentic & vulnerable leadership

How vulnerability improves relationships, bringing your real leadership self and empowering greatness for all .

Sustainable Happiness

For people and planet.

Session 1 - A World of Positive Psychology  

Understand the science of happiness and how it informs living a good life.

Session 2 - Boosting Happy Hormones  

Learn about the neuroscience of happiness, how to train your brain with wider wellness in mind.

Session 3 - Cultivating Strengths  

Harnessing natural character strengths and mapping these onto environmental needs. 

Session 4 - Emotional & Cultural Intelligence  

Self awareness, expression and emotion regulation within the wider framework of teams, communities and cultures.

Session 5 - Authentic Happiness  

Enhancing positive connections between people and planet, making our mark and leaving a legacy. 

How does it work?

Each programme typically incorporates 5 x 90 minute interactive workshops which are experiential, so that people learn, feel the difference and are motivated to make lasting positive change.

Leadership and executive teams have access to 1:1 coaching, for a deep dive into what works for them and their teams. This helps to ensure that the programme’s outcomes are sustained. 

Follow up sessions further embed positive practices and make sure we’re on track, for good. 

And the why?

Mental health is on everyone’s agenda. It’s for all of us. As one of the leading causes of sickness absence, mental ill-health costs businesses billions each year. The ROI for organisations that introduce positive measures is in excess of 500%. 

Based on the cutting edge science of positive psychology, these innovative programmes reach beyond basic, reactive mental health support, by providing preventative strategies and resources, helping forward thinking organisations maximise happiness and success through what people really want and need in order to thrive. It facilitates the learning of how to be your best, look after your people, harness your super powers & flourish your business.  

We engage human, theory and practice elements, through real life stories, a scientific evidence base and simple, effective day to day practices that lead to organisational success. It’s all about happy performance and being your best. 

With informally engaging sessions and stories that people relate to, we explain the science behind happiness and offer practical tools that enhance performance, connection, productivity, engagement and mindfulness. You’ll understand why wellbeing practices are so important, how to improve what you’re already doing well and how to achieve great things. 


Leadership & Executive Coaching