Grabbing some awe

Need to get away from it all? 🤯

I recommend rocks... amongst other things!

Ok so it's a little more complex than rocks. When I was scrambling along the ridge (the only way to get the sunshine AND the best views) I realised that I was stopped in my tracks every few minutes by the rocks, their surroundings, my view.

It's that lovely little thing called awe. Grab awe moments as often as you can, they're everywhere and have a huge impact on our happiness 🤩

When did you last feel awe? What was it like?
Struggling to describe it? Next time, stop and notice what exactly awe is and how it feels. Don't rush. Let it sink in.

Write it down, make a voice recording, tell a friend… or a stranger (if they seem up for a chat). We create more moments of awe (and thus those wonderful happy hormones) by paying more attention to when it happens, how it feels, mentally and physically, expressing it and giving it our time. It really is that simple.

Changing our brains, changing our lives, for good. Bringing on the happies.

It's worth it, trust me, I'm a doctor 😉

#mentalhealth #wellness #wellbeing #nature #awe


A note from the Officers’ mess


Vulnerability in leadership